How To Fix Remark Code M547 (RARC) | Common Reasons, Next Steps & How To Avoid It

Remark Code N338 means that there is a missing, incomplete, or invalid shipped date. This code is often used by healthcare providers and insurance companies to indicate the reason for denial or adjustment of a claim related to the shipment of goods or services.

1. Description

Remark Code N338 indicates that there is a missing, incomplete, or invalid shipped date. The official description states: ‘Missing/incomplete/invalid shipped date.’ The shipped date is an essential piece of information for accurate billing and tracking of goods or services. It helps ensure that the correct timeline is followed and that the necessary documentation is in place.

2. Common Reasons

  1. Missing shipped date: This may occur when the shipped date is not recorded or provided in the claim documentation. It is crucial to include this information to accurately track the timeline of the shipment.
  2. Incomplete shipped date: An incomplete shipped date may be missing specific details, such as the day, month, or year. It is important to provide a complete and accurate shipped date to avoid claim denials or adjustments.
  3. Invalid shipped date: An invalid shipped date may refer to a date that is outside the acceptable range or does not follow the required format. It is essential to ensure that the shipped date is valid and falls within the specified guidelines.

3. Next Steps

  1. Review the claim documentation: Carefully examine the claim documentation to identify any missing, incomplete, or invalid shipped dates.
  2. Obtain the correct shipped date: If the shipped date is missing, reach out to the appropriate parties involved to obtain the accurate information. If the shipped date is incomplete or invalid, correct it based on the available information.
  3. Update the claim: Once the correct shipped date is obtained, update the claim with the accurate information. Ensure that all necessary documentation is included to support the validity of the shipped date.

4. How To Avoid It

  1. Record the shipped date accurately: When documenting the shipment of goods or services, ensure that the shipped date is recorded accurately, including the day, month, and year.
  2. Double-check the shipped date: Before submitting a claim, review the shipped date to verify its completeness and validity. Cross-reference it with any supporting documentation to ensure consistency.
  3. Provide necessary documentation: Include all relevant documentation related to the shipment, such as shipping receipts or delivery confirmations, to support the accuracy of the shipped date.

5. Example Cases

  1. Case 1: A claim for medical supplies is denied because the shipped date was not provided, highlighting the importance of including this information for accurate billing.
  2. Case 2: A claim adjustment occurs because the shipped date was invalid, emphasizing the need for a valid and acceptable shipped date.

Source: Remittance Advice Remark Codes

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