How To Use CPT Code 00147

cpt 00147 describes the anesthesia services provided for a patient undergoing an iridectomy, which is a surgical procedure to remove part of the iris. This article will cover the description, official description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, and examples of cpt 00147.

1. What is cpt 00147?

cpt 00147 is used to describe the anesthesia services provided for a patient undergoing an iridectomy. An iridectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of part of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye. The anesthesia provider plays a crucial role in ensuring the patient’s comfort and safety during the procedure.

2. Official Description

The official description of cpt 00147 is: ‘Anesthesia for procedures on eye; iridectomy.’

3. Procedure

The anesthesia provider performs several key responsibilities during the iridectomy procedure. Prior to the surgery, the provider conducts a pre-operative evaluation of the patient to assess their overall health and determine the appropriate anesthesia plan. During the procedure, the anesthesia provider administers anesthesia to induce and maintain the patient’s unconsciousness or sedation, depending on the specific case. They closely monitor the patient’s vital signs and adjust the anesthesia as needed to ensure the patient’s safety and comfort. After the procedure, the anesthesia provider oversees the patient’s transfer to the post-anesthesia care unit and ensures their stable recovery.

4. Qualifying circumstances

cpt 00147 is used for patients undergoing an iridectomy procedure. The anesthesia services are provided by a qualified anesthesia provider, such as an anesthesiologist or a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). The patient’s medical condition and the complexity of the procedure may also be factors in determining the need for anesthesia services.

5. When to use cpt code 00147

cpt 00147 should be used when anesthesia services are provided for an iridectomy procedure. It is important to ensure that the anesthesia provider’s services are documented accurately and that the anesthesia time is appropriately recorded.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for cpt 00147, the anesthesia provider must document the following information:

  • Pre-operative evaluation of the patient
  • Type and amount of anesthesia administered
  • Monitoring methods used during the procedure
  • Patient responses and vital signs
  • Start and stop times of anesthesia care
  • Details of any complications or interventions
  • Transfer of the patient to the post-anesthesia care unit

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for cpt 00147, it is important to ensure that the anesthesia provider’s services are accurately documented and coded. The anesthesia time should be recorded correctly, starting from the induction of anesthesia in the operating room or procedure room. The anesthesia provider’s time ends when they are no longer providing services to the patient or when another provider assumes responsibility for the patient’s postoperative care. The total anesthesia time should be reported in block 24G of the CMS-1500 form.

8. Historical information

cpt 00147 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1991. There have been no updates to the code since its addition.

9. Similar codes to cpt 00147

There are no specific similar codes provided for cpt 00147. However, anesthesia codes within the range of 00100-00222 may be relevant for other procedures on the head.

9. Examples

  1. An anesthesiologist providing anesthesia services for a patient undergoing an iridectomy to treat glaucoma.
  2. A CRNA administering anesthesia to a patient undergoing an iridectomy for cosmetic purposes.
  3. An anesthesiologist overseeing the anesthesia care for a patient with a history of eye trauma undergoing an iridectomy.
  4. A CRNA monitoring the anesthesia for a patient undergoing an iridectomy due to a tumor in the iris.
  5. An anesthesiologist providing anesthesia services for a patient with a congenital eye condition undergoing an iridectomy.
  6. A CRNA ensuring the patient’s comfort and safety during an iridectomy for a patient with a history of eye infections.
  7. An anesthesiologist managing the anesthesia for a patient undergoing an iridectomy to correct a refractive error.
  8. A CRNA administering anesthesia to a patient undergoing an iridectomy as part of a larger eye surgery.
  9. An anesthesiologist overseeing the anesthesia care for a patient with a history of eye allergies undergoing an iridectomy.
  10. A CRNA monitoring the anesthesia for a patient undergoing an iridectomy to remove a foreign object from the iris.

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