How To Use CPT Code 00190

cpt 00190 describes the anesthesia services provided by a healthcare professional during procedures on the facial bones or skull. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, and examples of cpt 00190.

1. What is cpt 00190?

cpt 00190 can be used to describe the anesthesia services provided by a healthcare professional during procedures on the facial bones or skull. This code is used when the anesthesia provider performs a pre-operative evaluation, induces the patient, monitors the patient during the procedure, administers medications, and oversees the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care.

2. Official Description

The official description of cpt 00190 is: ‘Anesthesia for procedures on facial bones or skull; not otherwise specified.’

3. Procedure

  1. The anesthesia provider performs a pre-operative evaluation of the patient.
  2. The anesthesia provider induces the patient and monitors the patient during the procedure on the facial bones or skull.
  3. The anesthesia provider administers medications and notes any types and amounts of medications administered.
  4. The anesthesia provider uses standard monitoring services such as ECG, temperature, blood pressure, oximetry, capnography, and mass spectrometry.
  5. The anesthesia provider documents the start and stop times of anesthesia care.
  6. Following the procedure, the anesthesia provider oversees the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care.

4. Qualifying circumstances

Patients eligible to receive cpt 00190 services are those undergoing procedures on the facial bones or skull. The anesthesia provider must perform a pre-operative evaluation, induce the patient, monitor the patient during the procedure, administer medications, and oversee the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care.

5. When to use cpt code 00190

It is appropriate to bill cpt 00190 when a healthcare professional provides anesthesia services during procedures on the facial bones or skull. This code should be used for each procedure performed on the facial bones or skull.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for cpt 00190, the anesthesia provider must document the following information:

  • Pre-operative evaluation of the patient
  • Start and stop times of anesthesia care
  • Types and amounts of medications administered
  • Standard monitoring services used
  • Transfer of the patient to post-anesthesia care

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for cpt 00190, ensure that the anesthesia provider performs the anesthesia services during procedures on the facial bones or skull. Use the appropriate anesthesia code based on the complexity level of anesthesia and the anesthesia provider’s skills needed to perform the service. Append the appropriate HCPCS modifiers to the anesthesia codes for Medicare and other payers requiring the modifiers to describe anesthesia services rendered.

8. Historical information

cpt 00190 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. An update was made on January 1, 2001 to specify that the code is for procedures on facial bones, not otherwise specified.

9. Examples

  1. An anesthesia provider performing anesthesia services during a procedure on the facial bones for a patient with a facial fracture.
  2. An anesthesia provider administering anesthesia during a procedure on the skull for a patient undergoing cranial surgery.
  3. An anesthesia provider monitoring a patient’s vital signs during a procedure on the facial bones for a patient with a maxillofacial injury.
  4. An anesthesia provider inducing a patient and overseeing their transfer to post-anesthesia care after a procedure on the skull for a patient with a brain tumor.
  5. An anesthesia provider administering medications and monitoring a patient during a procedure on the facial bones for a patient with a facial deformity.
  6. An anesthesia provider performing anesthesia services during a procedure on the skull for a patient with a skull fracture.
  7. An anesthesia provider monitoring a patient’s oxygen levels during a procedure on the facial bones for a patient with a nasal fracture.
  8. An anesthesia provider inducing a patient and overseeing their transfer to post-anesthesia care after a procedure on the skull for a patient with a head injury.
  9. An anesthesia provider administering medications and monitoring a patient during a procedure on the facial bones for a patient with a jaw fracture.
  10. An anesthesia provider performing anesthesia services during a procedure on the skull for a patient with a craniofacial anomaly.

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