How To Use CPT Code 17340

CPT 17340 describes the use of cryotherapy, specifically carbon dioxide slush or liquid nitrogen, to treat acne that has not responded to topical or systemic medications. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 17340?

CPT 17340 is a code used to describe cryotherapy treatment for acne. Cryotherapy involves the use of low temperatures to treat lesions. In the case of acne, carbon dioxide slush or liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area using a cotton-tipped swab for a few seconds. This freezing treatment reduces the blood supply to the acne, leading to scabbing, which eventually desquamates and peels off the acne.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 17340 is: ‘Cryotherapy (CO2 slush, liquid N2) for acne.’

3. Procedure

The procedure for CPT 17340 involves the following steps:

  1. The provider washes and cleans the area of skin affected by acne.
  2. The provider applies carbon dioxide slush or liquid nitrogen to the acne using a cotton-tipped swab.
  3. The application is done for a few seconds, freezing the area and reducing blood supply to the acne.
  4. This treatment leads to scabbing, which eventually desquamates and peels off the acne.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 17340 is used when acne fails to respond to topical or systemic medications. It is typically reserved for cases where other treatment options have been exhausted or are not suitable for the patient. The provider must assess the patient’s condition and determine the need for cryotherapy as a treatment option for their acne.

5. When to use CPT code 17340

CPT code 17340 should be used when cryotherapy is performed specifically for the treatment of acne that has not responded to other forms of treatment. It is important to ensure that cryotherapy is the appropriate course of action for the patient and that other treatment options have been considered or attempted.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 17340, the provider must document the following information:

  • Patient’s diagnosis of acne and the failure of other treatment options
  • Details of the cryotherapy procedure, including the use of carbon dioxide slush or liquid nitrogen
  • Date and duration of the cryotherapy treatment
  • Any additional instructions or follow-up care provided to the patient
  • Signature of the provider performing the cryotherapy treatment

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 17340, ensure that the cryotherapy treatment is specifically for acne and that other treatment options have been exhausted. It is important to follow the guidelines set by the payer and accurately document the procedure to support the claim. There are no specific guidelines regarding reporting CPT 17340 with other codes.

8. Historical information

CPT 17340 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been no updates or changes to the code since its addition.

9. Similar codes to CPT 17340

While there are no similar codes to CPT 17340, there are other codes related to cryotherapy and the treatment of skin lesions. These codes may be used for different types of lesions or conditions. It is important to review the code descriptions and guidelines to accurately report the appropriate code for the specific treatment provided.

9. Examples

  1. A patient with persistent acne that has not responded to topical or systemic medications undergoes cryotherapy treatment using carbon dioxide slush.
  2. A teenager with severe acne undergoes cryotherapy treatment using liquid nitrogen after other treatment options have failed to improve their condition.
  3. A young adult with cystic acne receives cryotherapy treatment to target specific acne lesions that have not improved with other forms of treatment.
  4. A patient with acne on their back undergoes cryotherapy treatment to address the persistent lesions in that area.
  5. A patient with acne scars undergoes cryotherapy treatment to improve the appearance of the scars and promote skin healing.
  6. A dermatologist performs cryotherapy treatment on a patient with acne vulgaris to target specific lesions and reduce inflammation.
  7. A patient with acne on their face and neck undergoes cryotherapy treatment to address the persistent and stubborn lesions in those areas.
  8. A young adult with hormonal acne undergoes cryotherapy treatment as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to manage their condition.
  9. A patient with acne on their chest and shoulders receives cryotherapy treatment to target the lesions in those areas and promote healing.
  10. A teenager with acne on their forehead and temples undergoes cryotherapy treatment to address the persistent and stubborn lesions in those areas.

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