How To Use CPT Code 84075

CPT 84075 describes the measurement of alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme primarily produced by the liver, bones, intestines, and lungs. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, similar codes and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 84075?

CPT 84075 can be used to measure the level of alkaline phosphatase in a serum sample. Alkaline phosphatase is primarily produced by the liver, bones, intestines, and lungs. This test is commonly ordered to assess liver function and diagnose diseases affecting the liver, bones, and kidneys.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 84075 is: ‘Phosphatase, alkaline.’

3. Procedure

  1. The lab analyst collects a serum sample from the patient.
  2. The analyst performs a chemical reaction and uses spectrophotometry to measure the amount of light absorbed by the sample at a specific wavelength.
  3. The level of alkaline phosphatase is quantitated based on the amount of light absorbed.
  4. The results are reported to the healthcare provider for interpretation and further diagnosis.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 84075 is typically ordered when there is suspicion of liver, bone, or kidney disease. It is an important indicator of liver cell damage and can also be elevated in malignancies and diseases involving bone growth. The test can be performed by a lab analyst under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

5. When to use CPT code 84075

CPT code 84075 should be used when measuring the level of alkaline phosphatase in a serum sample. It is appropriate to bill this code when the test is ordered to assess liver function or diagnose diseases affecting the liver, bones, or kidneys.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 84075, the healthcare provider must document the following information:

  • Reason for ordering the test, such as suspicion of liver, bone, or kidney disease
  • Date and time of the test
  • Results of the test
  • Interpretation of the results and any further diagnosis or treatment plan

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 84075, ensure that the test is performed by a lab analyst under the supervision of a healthcare provider. It is important to follow the specific guidelines of the payer regarding billing for specimen collection, if applicable. CPT code 84075 should not be reported separately if it is part of a panel, such as the Hepatic function panel (CPT 80076).

8. Historical information

CPT 84075 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. The code has not undergone any updates since its addition.

9. Examples

  1. A healthcare provider orders CPT 84075 to assess liver function in a patient with suspected liver disease.
  2. A patient with bone pain undergoes CPT 84075 to evaluate the level of alkaline phosphatase and diagnose potential bone disorders.
  3. A healthcare provider orders CPT 84075 to monitor the progress of a patient with kidney disease, as alkaline phosphatase levels can indicate kidney dysfunction.
  4. CPT 84075 is performed to assess liver function in a patient with suspected malignancy.
  5. A healthcare provider orders CPT 84075 to evaluate the level of alkaline phosphatase in a patient with symptoms of liver dysfunction.
  6. A patient with suspected bone growth disorder undergoes CPT 84075 to measure the level of alkaline phosphatase and aid in diagnosis.
  7. CPT 84075 is performed to assess liver function in a patient with symptoms of liver cell damage.
  8. A healthcare provider orders CPT 84075 to monitor the progress of a patient with bone cancer, as alkaline phosphatase levels can indicate disease progression.
  9. A patient with suspected kidney disease undergoes CPT 84075 to evaluate the level of alkaline phosphatase and assess kidney function.
  10. CPT 84075 is performed to assess liver function in a patient with suspected liver cell damage.

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