How To Use CPT Code 93352

CPT 93352 describes the use of echocardiographic contrast agent during stress echocardiography. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, similar codes and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 93352?

CPT 93352 can be used to describe the administration of contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography. This code is used when the provider performs echocardiography by administering contrast to obtain both pre- and post-stress images of the heart. The contrast opacifies the left ventricle, and the provider takes images before and after the stress test to assess the heart’s function.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 93352 is: ‘Use of echocardiographic contrast agent during stress echocardiography (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure).’ It is important to note that this code should not be reported more than once per stress echocardiogram and should be used in conjunction with primary codes 93350 and 93351.

3. Procedure

  1. The provider administers a dose of contrast agent intravenously.
  2. The contrast opacifies the left ventricle.
  3. The provider takes a prestress contrast image of the left ventricle endocardium.
  4. At peak stress or immediately post-stress, the provider administers a second infusion of contrast.
  5. The provider obtains post-stress images of the left ventricle.
  6. The provider monitors the heart rate until it returns to baseline.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 93352 is used when contrast is administered during stress echocardiography. This procedure is typically performed by a provider, such as a nurse or sonographer. The contrast is used to opacify the left ventricle, allowing for better visualization of the heart during the stress test. It is important to note that this code should not be reported without one of the primary codes for stress echocardiography (93350, 93351).

5. When to use CPT code 93352

CPT code 93352 should be used when the provider administers contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography. This code should not be reported without one of the primary codes for stress echocardiography (93350, 93351). It is important to ensure that the contrast administration is documented and performed in conjunction with the primary procedure.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 93352, the provider must document the following information:

  • Administration of contrast intravenously
  • Prestress and post-stress images of the left ventricle
  • Monitoring of heart rate until it returns to baseline

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 93352, ensure that the contrast administration is performed in conjunction with the primary procedure for stress echocardiography (93350, 93351). It is important to report a separate HCPCS code for the contrast supply. Payers will not reimburse for CPT 93352 if it is reported without one of the primary codes for stress echocardiography. It is crucial to follow the specific guidelines provided by payers and to accurately report the services provided.

8. Historical information

CPT 93352 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 2009. There have been no updates to the code since its addition.

9. Examples

  1. A nurse administers contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography to obtain pre- and post-stress images of the left ventricle.
  2. A sonographer takes prestress and post-stress images of the left ventricle after the provider administers contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography.
  3. A provider monitors the heart rate until it returns to baseline after administering contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography.
  4. A nurse administers a second infusion of contrast at peak stress or immediately post-stress during stress echocardiography.
  5. A sonographer obtains post-stress images of the left ventricle after the provider administers a second infusion of contrast during stress echocardiography.
  6. A provider administers contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography to opacify the left ventricle for better visualization of the heart.
  7. A nurse administers a dose of contrast agent intravenously before stress echocardiography to obtain pre-stress images of the left ventricle.
  8. A sonographer takes post-stress images of the left ventricle after the provider administers a second infusion of contrast during stress echocardiography.
  9. A provider administers contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography to assess the heart’s function.
  10. A nurse monitors the heart rate until it returns to baseline after administering contrast intravenously during stress echocardiography.

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