List With HCPCS & CPT Codes For Stress Tests (Short & Long Descriptions)
The CPT codes for stress tests can be categorized into four chapters. The first chapter will cover the Stress Tests in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, followed by Cardiac Blood Pool Imaging, the third chapter will cover Cardiovascular stress testing and the fourth cover other stress tests. We have also included the HCPCS codes that are relevant for stress testing.
1. CPT Codes for Stress Tests in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
There are 4 CPT codes that describe stress tests in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging procedures according to the CPT manual. These stress tests are used to assess the blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium) and identify areas with poor blood flow.
1.1 CPT Code 78451
Lay-term: CPT code 78451 is used when a provider performs a single stress test, either at rest or during exercise, using a special imaging technique called SPECT. This test can include additional studies of the heart’s wall motion and ejection fraction.
Long description: Myocardial perfusion imaging, tomographic (SPECT) (including attenuation correction, qualitative or quantitative wall motion studies, ejection fraction, when performed); single study, at rest or stress (exercise or pharmacologic).
Short description: Single SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging stress test.
1.2. CPT Code 78452
Lay-term: The CPT 78452 procedure is used when a provider performs multiple stress tests, either at rest or during exercise, and includes a redistribution study or a rest injection. This test also uses the SPECT imaging technique.
Long description: Myocardial perfusion imaging, tomographic (SPECT) (including attenuation correction, qualitative or quantitative wall motion studies, ejection fraction, when performed); multiple studies, at rest and/or stress (exercise or pharmacologic) and redistribution and/or rest injection.
Short description: Multiple SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging stress tests.
1.3. CPT Code 78453
Lay-term: CPT 78453 is used when a provider performs a single stress test, either at rest or during exercise, using a planar imaging technique. This test can include additional studies of the heart’s wall motion and ejection fraction.
Long description: Myocardial perfusion imaging, planar (including qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection fraction by first pass or gated technique, additional quantitative analysis); single study, at rest or stress (exercise or pharmacologic).
Short description: Single planar myocardial perfusion imaging stress test.
1.4. CPT Code 78454
Lay-term: CPT 78454 is used when a provider performs multiple stress tests, either at rest or during exercise, and includes a redistribution study or a rest injection. This test uses the planar imaging technique.
Long description: Myocardial perfusion imaging, planar (including qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection fraction by first pass or gated technique, additional quantitative analysis); multiple studies, at rest and/or stress (exercise or pharmacologic) and redistribution and/or rest injection.
Short description: Multiple planar myocardial perfusion imaging stress tests.
2. CPT codes for Stress Tests in Cardiac Blood Pool Imaging
There are 2 codes that describe stress tests in Cardiac Blood Pool Imaging procedures according to the CPT manual. These stress tests are used to evaluate the function of the heart’s chambers and valves.
2.1. CPT Code 78472
Lay-term: CPT 78472 is used when a provider performs a single stress test, either at rest or during exercise, using a technique called gated equilibrium planar imaging. This test can include a study of the heart’s wall motion and ejection fraction.
Long description: Cardiac blood pool imaging, gated equilibrium planar, single study at rest or stress (exercise and/or pharmacologic), with or without quantification; wall motion study with ejection fraction by first pass technique.
Short description: Single cardiac blood pool imaging stress test.
2.2. CPT Code 78473
Lay-term: CPT 78473 is used when a provider performs multiple stress tests, either at rest or during exercise, using the gated equilibrium imaging technique. This test includes a study of the heart’s wall motion and ejection fraction.
Long description: Cardiac blood pool imaging, gated equilibrium; multiple studies, wall motion study plus ejection fraction, at rest and stress (exercise and/or pharmacologic).
Short description: Multiple cardiac blood pool imaging stress tests.
3. CPT codes for Cardiovascular Stress Testing
There are 4 codes that describe stress tests in Cardiovascular procedures according to the CPT manual. These stress tests are used to evaluate the heart’s response to stress or exercise.
3.1. CPT Code 93015
Lay-term: CPT 93015 is used when a provider performs a cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; with physician supervision; with interpretation and report.
Long description: Cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; with physician supervision; with interpretation and report.
Short description: Cardiovascular stress test with supervision and report.
3.2. CPT Code 93016
Lay-term: CPT 93016 is used when a provider performs a cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; physician supervision only, without interpretation and report.
Long description: Cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; physician supervision only, without interpretation and report.
Short description: Cardiovascular stress test with supervision only.
3.3. CPT Code 93017
Lay-term: CPT 93017 is used when a provider performs a cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; tracing only, without interpretation and report.
Long description: Cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; tracing only, without interpretation and report.
Short description: Cardiovascular stress test, tracing only.
3.4. CPT Code 93018
Lay-term: CPT 93018 is used when a provider performs a cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; interpretation and report only.
Long description: Cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise, continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacologic stress; interpretation and report only.
Short description: Cardiovascular stress test, interpretation and report only.
4. CPT codes for Other Stress Tests
There are 7 codes that describe other stress tests according to the CPT manual.
4.1. CPT Code 93024
Lay-term: CPT 93024 is used when a provider performs an Ergonovine provocation test. This is a stress test that helps to diagnose coronary artery spasms.
Long description: Ergonovine provocation test.
Short description: Ergonovine provocation test.
4.2. CPT Code 93350
Lay-term: CPT 93350 is used when a provider performs an echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time with image documentation (2D), includes M-mode recording, when performed, during rest and cardiovascular stress test using treadmill or bicycle exercise, or pharmacologic stress, with interpretation and report.
Long description: Echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time with image documentation (2D), includes M-mode recording, when performed, during rest and cardiovascular stress test using treadmill or bicycle exercise, or pharmacologic stress, with interpretation and report.
Short description: Echocardiography with stress test.
4.3. CPT Code 93351
Lay-term: CPT 93351 is used when a provider performs an echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time with image documentation (2D), includes M-mode recording, when performed, during rest and cardiovascular stress test using treadmill or bicycle exercise, or pharmacologic stress; with interpretation and report; including performance of continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, with physician supervision.
Long description: Echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time with image documentation (2D), includes M-mode recording, when performed, during rest and cardiovascular stress test using treadmill or bicycle exercise, or pharmacologic stress; with interpretation and report; including performance of continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, with physician supervision.
Short description: Echocardiography with stress test and ECG monitoring.
4.4. CPT Code 93352
Lay-term: CPT 93352 is used when a provider uses an echocardiographic contrast agent during stress echocardiography.
Long description: Use of echocardiographic contrast agent during stress echocardiography (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure).
Short description: Use of contrast agent during stress echocardiography.
4.5. CPT Code 93464
Lay-term: CPT 93464 is used when a provider performs a physiologic exercise study (eg, bicycle or arm ergometry) including assessing hemodynamic measurements before and after exercise.
Long description: Physiologic exercise study (eg, bicycle or arm ergometry) including assessing hemodynamic measurements before and after exercise.
Short description: Physiologic exercise study.
4.6. CPT Code 93924
Lay-term: CPT 93924 is used when a provider performs noninvasive physiologic studies of lower extremity arteries, at rest and following treadmill stress testing, (ie, bidirectional Doppler waveforms, volume plethysmography, and/or transcutaneous oxygen tension measurements).
Long description: Noninvasive physiologic studies of lower extremity arteries, at rest and following treadmill stress testing, (ie, bidirectional Doppler waveforms, volume plethysmography, and/or transcutaneous oxygen tension measurements).
Short description: Noninvasive physiologic studies of lower extremity arteries with stress testing.
4.7. CPT Code 94621
Lay-term: CPT 94621 is used when a provider performs cardiopulmonary exercise testing, including measurements of minute ventilation, CO2 production, O2 uptake, and electrocardiographic recordings.
Long description: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, including measurements of minute ventilation, CO2 production, O2 uptake, and electrocardiographic recordings.
Short description: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
5. HCPCS codes for Stress Tests
There are 9 HCPCS codes that describe stress tests and are used to report stress tests performed for preoperative evaluation, initial detection and risk assessment, and other reasons.
5.1. HCPCS Code C8928
Lay-term: HCPCS C8928 is used when a provider performs a transthoracic echocardiography with contrast, or without contrast followed by with contrast, real-time with image documentation (2D) during rest and stress.
Long description: Transthoracic echocardiography with contrast, or without contrast followed by with contrast, real-time with image documentation (2D) during rest and stress.
Short description: Transthoracic echocardiography with contrast during rest and stress.
5.2. HCPCS Code C8930
Lay-term: HCPCS C8930 is used when a provider performs a transthoracic echocardiography, with contrast, or without contrast followed by with contrast, real-time with image documentation (2D) during rest and stress.
Long description: Transthoracic echocardiography, with contrast, or without contrast followed by with contrast, real-time with image documentation (2D) during rest and stress.
Short description: Transthoracic echocardiography with contrast during rest and stress.
5.3. HCPCS Code G8961
Lay-term: HCPCS G8961 is used when a cardiac stress imaging test is primarily performed on a low-risk surgery patient for preoperative evaluation within 30 days prior to the date of surgery.
Long description: Cardiac stress imaging test primarily performed on low-risk surgery patient for preoperative evaluation within 30 days prior to the date of surgery.
Short description: Cardiac stress imaging test for preoperative evaluation.
5.4. HCPCS Code G8962
Lay-term: HCPCS G8962 is used when a cardiac stress imaging test is performed on a patient for any reason including those who did not have low-risk surgery or test not performed as part of preoperative evaluation.
Long description: Cardiac stress imaging test performed on patient for any reason including those who did not have low-risk surgery or test not performed as part of preoperative evaluation.
Short description: Cardiac stress imaging test for any reason.
5.5. HCPCS Code G8965
Lay-term: HCPCS G8965 is used when a cardiac stress imaging test is primarily performed on a low CHD risk patient for initial detection and risk assessment.
Long description: Cardiac stress imaging test primarily performed on low CHD risk patient for initial detection and risk assessment.
Short description: Cardiac stress imaging test for initial detection and risk assessment.
5.6. HCPCS Code G8966
Lay-term: HCPCS G8966 is used when a cardiac stress imaging test is performed on a symptomatic or higher than low CHD risk patient or for any reason other than initial detection and risk assessment.
Long description: Cardiac stress imaging test performed on symptomatic or higher than low CHD risk patient or for any reason other than initial detection and risk assessment.
Short description: Cardiac stress imaging test for symptomatic or high-risk patient.
5.7. HCPCS Code G9321
Lay-term: HCPCS G9321 is used when a provider documents the count of previous CT and cardiac nuclear medicine (myocardial perfusion) studies in the 12-month period prior to the imaging order for the patient.
Long description: Count of previous CT and cardiac nuclear medicine (myocardial perfusion) studies documented in the 12-month period prior to the imaging order for the patient.
Short description: Documentation of previous CT and cardiac nuclear medicine studies.
5.8. HCPCS Code G9322
Lay-term: HCPCS G9322 is used when a provider does not document the count of previous CT and cardiac nuclear medicine (myocardial perfusion) studies in the 12-month period prior to the imaging order for the patient.
Long description: Count of previous CT and cardiac nuclear medicine (myocardial perfusion) studies not documented in the 12-month period prior to the imaging order for the patient.
Short description: No documentation of previous CT and cardiac nuclear medicine studies.
5.9. HCPCS Code J0395
Lay-term: HCPCS J0395 is used when a provider administers an injection of arbutamine HCl, 1 mg.
Long description: Injection, arbutamine HCl, 1 mg.
Short description: Injection of arbutamine HCl.