CPT Codes For Diagnostic Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging) Procedures Of The Spine And Pelvis

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for diagnostic radiology (diagnostic imaging) procedures of the spine and pelvis.

CPT Code 72020

CPT 72020 describes a radiologic examination of the spine with a single view, specifying the level.

CPT Code 72040

CPT 72040 describes a radiologic examination of the spine and cervical area with two or three views.

CPT Code 72050

CPT 72050 describes a radiologic examination of the spine and cervical region with 4 or 5 views.

CPT Code 72052

CPT 72052 describes a radiologic examination of the cervical spine with six or more views.

CPT Code 72070

CPT 72070 describes a radiologic examination of the spine with two thoracic views.

CPT Code 72072

CPT 72072 describes a radiologic examination of the spine with three thoracic views.

CPT Code 72074

CPT 72074 describes a radiologic spine examination with a minimum of 4 thoracic views.

CPT Code 72080

CPT 72080 describes a radiologic examination of the thoracolumbar junction with a minimum of two views.

CPT Code 72081

CPT 72081 describes a radiologic examination of the entire thoracic and lumbar spine, including the skull, cervical, and sacral spine, if performed, with one view.

CPT Code 72082

CPT 72082 describes a radiologic examination of the entire thoracic and lumbar spine, including the skull, cervical, and sacral spine if performed, with 2 or 3 views.

CPT Code 72083

CPT 72083 describes a radiologic examination of the entire thoracic and lumbar spine, including the skull, cervical, and sacral spine, if performed, with 4 or 5 views.

CPT Code 72084

CPT 72084 describes a radiologic examination of the entire thoracic and lumbar spine, including the skull, cervical, and sacral spine, if performed, with a minimum of 6 views for scoliosis evaluation.

CPT Code 72100

CPT 72100 describes a radiologic examination of the lumbosacral spine with two or three views.

CPT Code 72110

CPT 72110 describes a radiologic examination of the spine lumbosacral with a minimum of 4 views.

CPT Code 72114

CPT 72114 describes a radiologic examination of the spine lumbosacral region, including bending views with a minimum of 6 views.

CPT Code 72120

CPT 72120 describes a radiologic examination of the lumbosacral spine with bending views only, consisting of 2 or 3 views.

CPT Code 72125

CPT 72125 describes Computed Tomography of the Cervical Spine without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72126

CPT 72126 describes Computed Tomography of the Cervical Spine with Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72127

CPT 72127 describes a computed tomography of the cervical spine that includes sections without contrast material, followed by sections with contrast material.

CPT Code 72128

CPT 72128 describes Computed Tomography of the Thoracic Spine without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72129

CPT 72129 describes Computed Tomography of the Thoracic Spine with Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72130

CPT 72130 describes a computed tomography of the thoracic spine that includes contrast material and other sections.

CPT Code 72131

CPT 72131 describes Computed Tomography of the Lumbar Spine without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72132

CPT 72132 describes Computed Tomography of the Lumbar Spine with Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72133

CPT 72133 describes computed tomography of the lumbar spine without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and further sections.

CPT Code 72141

CPT 72141 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the cervical spine without contrast material.

CPT Code 72142

CPT 72142 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the cervical spine with contrast material(s).

CPT Code 72146

CPT 72146 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the thoracic spinal canal and contents without contrast material.

CPT Code 72147

CPT 72147 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the thoracic spinal canal and contents with contrast material(s).

CPT Code 72148

CPT 72148 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the lumbar spine without contrast material.

CPT Code 72149

CPT 72149 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the lumbar spine with contrast material(s).

CPT Code 72156

CPT 72156 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the cervical spine without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and other sequences.

CPT Code 72157

CPT 72157 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the thoracic spinal canal and contents without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and other sequences.

CPT Code 72158

CPT 72158 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the spinal canal and contents without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and other sequences; lumbar.

CPT Code 72159

CPT 72159 describes Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Spinal Canal and Contents, with or without Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 72170

CPT 72170 describes a radiologic pelvis examination with one or two views.

CPT Code 72190

CPT 72190 describes a radiologic examination of the pelvis with a minimum of 3 views.

CPT Code 72191

CPT 72191 describes Computed Tomographic Angiography of the pelvis with contrast material(s), including non-contrast images if performed and image postprocessing.

CPT Code 72192

CPT 72192 describes Computed Tomography of the Pelvis without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72193

CPT 72193 describes Computed Tomography of the Pelvis with Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 72194

CPT 72194 describes a computed tomography of the pelvis that includes both contrast material and other sections.

CPT Code 72195

CPT 72195 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pelvis without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 72196

CPT 72196 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the pelvis with contrast material(s).

CPT Code 72197

CPT 72197 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the pelvis without contrast material(s) followed by contrast material(s) and other sequences.

CPT Code 72198

CPT 72198 describes Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Pelvis with or without Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 72200

CPT 72200 describes a radiologic examination of the sacroiliac joints with less than three views.

CPT Code 72202

CPT 72202 describes a radiologic examination of the sacroiliac joints with three or more views.

CPT Code 72220

CPT 72220 describes a radiologic examination of the sacrum and coccyx with a minimum of two views.

CPT Code 72240

CPT 72240 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of a myelography procedure of the cervical spine.

CPT Code 72255

CPT 72255 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of myelography, thoracic.

CPT Code 72265

CPT 72265 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of myelography of the lumbosacral region.

CPT Code 72270

CPT 72270 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of myelography for two or more regions, such as lumbar/thoracic, cervical/thoracic, lumbar/cervical, or lumbar/thoracic/cervical.

CPT Code 72285

CPT 72285 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of a discography, cervical or thoracic.

CPT Code 72295

CPT 72295 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of lumbar discography.

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