CPT Codes For Excision Procedures On The Foot And Toes
Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for excision procedures on the foot and toes.
CPT Code 28039
CPT 28039 describes the excision of a subcutaneous tumor of the foot or toe measuring 1.5 cm or greater.
CPT Code 28041
CPT 28041 describes the excision of a tumor of the soft tissue of the foot or toe, subfascial (e.g., intramuscular), measuring 1.5 cm or greater.
CPT Code 28043
CPT 28043 describes the excision of a foot or toe subcutaneous tumor that is less than 1.5 cm in size.
CPT Code 28045
CPT 28045 describes the excision of a tumor of the soft tissue of the foot or toe, subfascial (e.g., intramuscular), that is less than 1.5 cm.
CPT Code 28046
CPT 28046 describes a radical resection of a tumor (e.g., sarcoma) in the soft tissue of the foot or toe that is less than 3 cm.
CPT Code 28047
CPT 28047 describes radical resection of a tumor (e.g., sarcoma) of the soft tissue of the foot or toe with a size of 3 cm or greater.
CPT Code 28050
CPT 28050 describes arthrotomy with a biopsy of an intertarsal or tarsometatarsal joint.
CPT Code 28052
CPT 28052 describes arthrotomy with a biopsy of the metatarsophalangeal joint.
CPT Code 28054
CPT 28054 describes arthrotomy with a biopsy of an interphalangeal joint.
CPT Code 28055
CPT 28055 describes a neurectomy of the intrinsic musculature of the foot.
CPT Code 28060
CPT 28060 describes a partial fasciectomy of the plantar fascia as a separate procedure.
CPT Code 28062
CPT 28062 describes a radical fasciectomy of the plantar fascia as a separate procedure.
CPT Code 28070
CPT 28070 describes the synovectomy of each intertarsal or tarsometatarsal joint.
CPT Code 28072
CPT 28072 describes the synovectomy of each metatarsophalangeal joint.
CPT Code 28080
CPT 28080 describes the excision of a single interdigital (Morton) neuroma.
CPT Code 28086
CPT 28086 describes synovectomy of the tendon sheath in the foot flexor.
CPT Code 28088
CPT 28088 describes synovectomy of the tendon sheath in the foot for the extensor.
CPT Code 28090
CPT 28090 describes the excision of a lesion, tendon, tendon sheath, or capsule (including synovectomy) from the foot (e.g., cyst or ganglion).
CPT Code 28092
CPT 28092 describes the excision of a lesion, tendon, tendon sheath, or capsule (including synovectomy) (e.g., cyst or ganglion) from toe(s), each.
CPT Code 28100
CPT 28100 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor of the talus or calcaneus.
CPT Code 28102
CPT 28102 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor of the talus or calcaneus with iliac or other autografts, including obtaining the graft.
CPT Code 28103
CPT 28103 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor of the talus or calcaneus with allograft.
CPT Code 28104
CPT 28104 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor in the tarsal or metatarsal area, excluding the talus or calcaneus.
CPT Code 28106
CPT 28106 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor in the tarsal or metatarsal area, excluding the talus or calcaneus, with iliac or other autografts, including the obtaining of the graft.
CPT Code 28107
CPT 28107 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor in the tarsal or metatarsal area, except talus or calcaneus, with an allograft.
CPT Code 28108
CPT 28108 describes the excision or curettage of a bone cyst or benign tumor in the phalanges of the foot.
CPT Code 28110
CPT 28110 describes a partial excision of the fifth metatarsal head (bunionette) as a separate procedure.
CPT Code 28111
CPT 28111 describes the complete excision of a first metatarsal head ostectomy.
CPT Code 28112
CPT 28112 describes the complete excision of an ostectomy of the second, third, or fourth metatarsal head.
CPT Code 28113
CPT 28113 describes the complete excision of a fifth metatarsal head ostectomy.
CPT Code 28114
CPT 28114 describes a complete excision ostectomy of all metatarsal heads, with partial proximal phalangectomy, excluding the first metatarsal (e.g., Clayton-type procedure).
CPT Code 28116
CPT 28116 describes the excision of tarsal coalition, an ostectomy.
CPT Code 28118
CPT 28118 describes an ostectomy of the calcaneus.
CPT Code 28119
CPT 28119 describes an ostectomy of the calcaneus for a spur, with or without a plantar fascial release.
CPT Code 28120
CPT 28120 describes partial excision of bone such as talus or calcaneus for treating osteomyelitis or bossing.
CPT Code 28122
CPT 28122 describes partial excision of the tarsal or metatarsal bone, except talus or calcaneus, for conditions such as osteomyelitis or bossing.
CPT Code 28124
CPT 28124 describes partial excision of bone, such as osteomyelitis or bossing, through craterization, saucerization, sequestrectomy, or diaphysectomy of the phalanx of the toe.
CPT Code 28126
CPT 28126 describes the resection of each toe’s partial or complete phalangeal base.
CPT Code 28130
CPT 28130 describes talectomy (astragalectomy).
CPT Code 28140
CPT 28140 describes metatarsectomy.
CPT Code 28150
CPT 28150 describes a phalangectomy procedure for each toe.
CPT Code 28153
CPT 28153 describes the resection of the condyle(s) of each toe’s distal end of the phalanx.
CPT Code 28160
CPT 28160 describes a hemiphalangectomy or excision of each toe’s proximal end phalanx interphalangeal joint.
CPT Code 28171
CPT 28171 describes radical resection of a tumor from the tarsal area, excluding the talus or calcaneus.
CPT Code 28173
CPT 28173 describes the radical resection of a tumor from the metatarsal.
CPT Code 28175
CPT 28175 describes the radical resection of a tumor from a phalanx of the toe.