CPT Codes For Liver Transplantation Procedures

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for liver transplantation procedures.

CPT Code 47133

CPT 47133 describes donor hepatectomy (including cold preservation) from a cadaver donor.

CPT Code 47135

CPT 47135 describes liver allotransplantation, partial or whole, from a cadaver or living donor, for any age.

CPT Code 47140

CPT 47140 describes donor hepatectomy from a living donor, including cold preservation, of the left lateral segment only (segments II and III).

CPT Code 47141

CPT 47141 describes a total left lobectomy (segments II, III, and IV) from a living donor, including cold preservation.

CPT Code 47142

CPT 47142 describes a total right lobectomy (segments V, VI, VII, and VIII) from a living donor, including cold preservation.

CPT Code 47143

CPT 47143 describes standard backbench preparation of a cadaver donor whole liver graft before allotransplantation, including cholecystectomy, if necessary, dissection and removal of surrounding soft tissues to prepare the vena cava, portal vein, hepatic artery, and common bile duct for implantation, without tri segment or lobe split.

CPT Code 47144

CPT 47144 describes standard backbench preparation of a cadaver donor whole liver graft before allotransplantation, including cholecystectomy, if necessary, and dissection and removal of surrounding soft tissues to prepare the vena cava, portal vein, hepatic artery, and common bile duct for implantation, as well as tri segment split of the whole liver graft into two partial liver grafts (i.e., left lateral segment [segments II and III] and right tri segment [segments I and IV through VIII]).

CPT Code 47145

CPT 47145 describes standard backbench preparation of a cadaver donor whole liver graft before allotransplantation, including cholecystectomy, dissection and removal of surrounding soft tissues to prepare the vena cava, portal vein, hepatic artery, and common bile duct for implantation, as well as lobe split of the whole liver graft into two partial liver grafts.

CPT Code 47146

CPT 47146 describes backbench reconstruction of cadaver or living donor liver graft before allotransplantation, including venous anastomosis.

CPT Code 47147

CPT 47147 describes backbench reconstruction of cadaver or living donor liver graft before allotransplantation, including arterial anastomosis.

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