(2023) How To Code Chest X-Ray | CPT 71045, CPT 71046, CPT 71047 & CPT 71048

Chest X-rays are used to view images of the patient’s heart, blood vessels, chest bones, spine, airways and lungs. There are four chest X-ray CPT codes, namely, CPT 71045 for a chest X-ray for a single view, CPT 71046 for chest X-ray with two views, CPT 71047 is for a 3 view chest X-ray and finally CPT 71048 that can be used for four views or more.

CPT Code 71045

Lay-term: You can use CPT 71045 for a single-view radiologic examination of the chest.

Long description: Radiologic examination, chest single view.

Short description: Chest X-ray, single view.

CPT Code 71046

Lay-term: CPT 71046 can be billed for a 2 views radiologic examination of chest.

Long description: Radiologic examination, chest; 2 views.

Short description: Chest X-ray, 2 views.

CPT Code 71047

Lay-term: CPT 71047 can be used for a 3 views radiologic examination of the chest.

Long description: Radiologic examination, chest; 3 views .

Short description: Chest X-ray, 3 views.

CPT Code 71048

Lay-term: CPT 71048 can be billed for a four or more views radiologic examination of the chest.

Long description: Radiologic examination, chest; 4 or more views.

Short description: Chest X-ray, 4 or more views.




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