ICD 10 CM M00.031 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M00.031 describes a specific medical condition in which the carpal joints of the right wrist become inflamed due to the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, a type of infectious bacteria that causes staphylococcal arthritis.

Official Description Of M00.031

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M00.031 as:

Staphylococcal arthritis, right wrist
Parent Code Notes: M00.0

Use additional code (B95.61-B95.8) to identify bacterial agent

Parent Code Notes: M00

Excludes2: infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint prosthesis (T84.5-)

Clinical Information

The diagnosis describes by the ICD 10 CM M00.031 code is related to a serious condition known as bacterial infection of the carpal joint in the right wrist. This condition can be caused by the Staphylococcal bacteria, which can enter the joint directly via an injury or surgical site, or indirectly through the bloodstream. Once they attack the joint tissues, there is a high likelihood of permanent damage if the condition goes untreated.

When a patient presents with this condition, they may experience several symptoms, including fever, swelling, redness, and intense pain in the affected area. The healthcare provider typically relies on the patient’s medical history to make a diagnosis. They ask about joint surgeries, bacterial infections elsewhere in the body, or IV drug use, as these factors increase the risk of developing the condition.

Apart from taking a detailed medical history, the healthcare provider will also perform a physical examination to check for signs of inflammation and damage in the affected area. They may also order several tests to confirm the diagnosis, including a blood culture to check for the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream, joint fluid analysis to evaluate the severity of the condition, and X-rays to assess the extent of damage to the joint.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, the healthcare provider will begin treating the patient with antibiotics tailored to the bacterial strain causing the infection. If there is any pus or fluid buildup in the infected area, the provider may need to drain it to relieve pressure and allow the antibiotic to reach the area of infection effectively.

It is important to note that prompt diagnosis and treatment of the condition are necessary. Any delay can potentially cause permanent joint damage, leading to chronic pain and reduced joint mobility, which can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life. Therefore, it is recommended that if a patient experiences any symptoms that could be associated with bacterial infection of the carpal joint in the right wrist, they should seek medical attention immediately.

In summary, the ICD 10 CM M00.031 code is used to describe a serious bacterial infection of the carpal joint in the right wrist caused by Staphylococcal bacteria. Diagnosis of the condition relies on patient history, physical examination, and several tests, including blood culture, joint fluid analysis, and X-rays. Prompt treatment with antibiotics and drainage of any pus or fluid buildup is necessary to prevent permanent joint damage. Patients should seek medical attention immediately if they experience any symptoms associated with the condition to ensure quick diagnosis and treatment.

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