ICD 10 CM M00.05 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M00.05 is a diagnostic code that identifies a specific medical condition known as staphylococcal arthritis, which occurs when the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus infects the hip joint and triggers an inflammatory response.

Official Description Of M00.05

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M00.05 as:

Staphylococcal arthritis, hip
Parent Code Notes: M00.0

Use additional code (B95.61-B95.8) to identify bacterial agent

Parent Code Notes: M00

Excludes2: infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint prosthesis (T84.5-)

Clinical Information

The diagnosis code ICD 10 CM M00.05 refers to a specific medical condition caused by staphylococcal bacteria entering a person’s hip joint, either through the bloodstream or directly through an injury or surgical incision. This bacterial infection attacks joint tissues, causing permanent damage if left untreated.

Individuals affected by this illness may experience a variety of symptoms, including fever, swelling, redness, and intense pain. They may find it hard to move the joint or apply any pressure to it. Left untreated, the resulting infection can spread throughout the body, causing damage to other organ systems.

The process of diagnosing this condition begins with a patient reporting any recent joint surgery, bacterial infections elsewhere in the body, or intravenous drug use to their health care provider. The provider will then conduct a physical examination that involves assessing the patient’s range of motion, testing for muscle strength, and evaluating joint tenderness. In some cases, the provider may also order additional tests, such as blood cultures, joint fluid analysis, and X-rays.

If the provider determines that the patient has staphylococcal bacteria in their hip joint, they will begin treatment immediately. Treatment typically involves the administration of an appropriate antibiotic to combat the infection. In some cases, the provider may also need to drain any pus that has accumulated around the joint.

The successful treatment of staphylococcal joint infections hinges on the timely diagnosis and prompt intervention of medical professionals. Delaying treatment can lead to permanent joint damage, which can significantly impede a patient’s quality of life.

It is essential for medical coders to be familiar with the ICD 10 diagnosis code M00.05 and the associated medical condition. This knowledge helps them accurately assign the diagnosis code to patient records and supports proper billing and coding procedures. Proper coding facilitates the timely processing of claims, ensuring the patient receives efficient and effective medical care.

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