ICD 10 CM S06.330 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S06.330 describes a condition in which there is a collection of blood and a rupture in the tissue of the cerebrum, which is the largest part of the brain, resulting from a traumatic brain injury or deceleration injury, such as when the head collides with a solid object during a motor vehicle accident, and although the provider does not specify whether it is the right or left cerebrum, they do note that the patient remains conscious and responsive.

Official Description Of S06.330

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S06.330 as:

Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness
Parent Code Notes: S06.3

Excludes1: any condition classifiable to S06.4-S06.6

Excludes2: focal cerebral edema (S06.1)

Use additional code, if applicable, for traumatic brain compression or herniation (S06.A-)

Parent Code Notes: S06

Includes: traumatic brain injury

Excludes1: head injury NOS (S09.90)

Code also: any associated:
open wound of head (S01.-)
skull fracture (S02.-)

Use additional code, if applicable, to identify mild neurocognitive disorders due to known physiological condition (F06.7-)

When To Use S06.330

The diagnosis describes by the ICD 10 CM S06.330 code is a traumatic brain injury that can have severe and long-lasting effects on a person’s health. This type of injury is generally caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, which results in a contusion or laceration of the cerebrum. The severity of the injury can vary, but it can lead to seizures, nausea and vomiting, and increased intracranial pressure or ICP. Some of the more common symptoms include headache, temporary or permanent amnesia, physical and mental disability, impaired cognitive function, and difficulty communicating.

To diagnose this condition, medical providers will first review the patient’s history of trauma and conduct a physical examination, paying specific attention to the patient’s response to stimuli and pupil dilation. Additionally, healthcare professionals may use the Glasgow Coma Scale, which is used to assess the level of consciousness in patients with traumatic brain injury. Imaging techniques such as computed tomography or CT angiography and magnetic resonance imaging or MR angiography can also be used to identify and monitor the hemorrhage. Lastly, electroencephalography is utilized to evaluate brain activity and help providers better understand the patient’s condition.

Once the diagnosis has been made, treatment options can be explored. Medications such as sedatives, antiseizure drugs, and analgesics can be used to help manage the patient’s symptoms. It is also important to stabilize the airway and circulation and immobilize the neck or head. Treatment of associated problems, such as infections or breathing problems, should also be addressed. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to implant an ICP monitor or evacuate a hematoma.

It is important to note that a traumatic brain injury can have significant long-term consequences. Patients with this diagnosis may experience ongoing cognitive, physical, or emotional challenges long after the initial injury occurred. It is crucial that healthcare providers continue to monitor and provide treatment for these patients on an ongoing basis to ensure their best possible recovery.

In conclusion, the ICD 10 CM S06.330 code describes a traumatic brain injury that should be taken seriously by medical providers. By conducting a thorough diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment, patients with this condition can receive the care they need to maximize their recovery and long-term health outcomes.

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