ICD 10 CM S52.501S | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S52.501S describes a medical condition characterized by a fracture or break in the lower end of the right radius, which is the larger of the two forearm bones, occurring at the point where the radius and ulna meet the wrist, and may be caused by a sudden or direct blow to the wrist, a motor vehicle accident, or falling on an extended hand, with or without displacement of the fracture fragments, and in this particular case, the provider has not documented the specific type or nature of the fracture at this encounter for a sequela, which is a condition resulting from the fracture injury.

Official Description Of S52.501S

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S52.501S as:

Unspecified fracture of the lower end of right radius, sequela
Parent Code Notes: S52.5

Excludes2: physeal fractures of lower end of radius (S59.2-)

Parent Code Notes: S52

Excludes1: traumatic amputation of forearm (S58.-)

Excludes2: fracture at wrist and hand level (S62.-)

When To Use S52.501S

The diagnosis describes by the ICD 10 CM S52.501S code refers to an unspecified fracture of the lower end of the right radius. This type of injury can cause a range of symptoms, including pain and swelling, bruising, difficulty in moving the elbow, deformity in the wrist, numbness, and tingling. These symptoms arise due to the impact of the fracture on blood vessels and nerves in the affected area.

To diagnose the condition, healthcare providers rely on a combination of factors, including the patient’s medical history, a physical examination, and imaging techniques such as x-rays or computed tomography (CT). Through these diagnostic tools, the healthcare provider can determine the severity of the injury and the appropriate course of treatment.

Typically, stable and closed fractures do not require surgery, while unstable fractures require stabilization with fixation devices. Open fractures, on the other hand, require immediate surgical treatment to close the wound and prevent infection. In some cases, a provider may also recommend conservative treatment options such as the application of an ice pack, a splint or cast to restrict limb movement, exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion of the arm, analgesics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief.

The ultimate goal of treatment is to promote healing and alleviate symptoms while preventing further damage to the affected area. Following a fracture, patients may require follow-up care, including physical therapy, to help regain strength and mobility in the affected area.

It’s important to note that the ICD 10 CM S52.501S code is just one of many diagnosis codes used in medical coding, which allows healthcare providers to accurately describe a patient’s condition for billing and treatment purposes. The classification system provides a standardized language for describing medical conditions and procedures, which ensures that healthcare providers can easily communicate and understand critical information.

While ICD 10 CM S52.501S may sound like a complex diagnosis code, it’s just one of many used in modern medical practice. Through careful diagnosis and appropriate treatment, patients can recover from fractures and regain their quality of life.

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