ICD 10 CM S61.326 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S61.326 describes a specific type of injury to the right little finger, characterized by an irregular deep cut or tears in the skin that involves the retention of a foreign object, damage to the nail, and may or may not result in bleeding, and can be caused by a variety of traumatic events such as a motor vehicle accident, puncture or cut with a sharp object, gunshot wound, or assault.

Official Description Of S61.326

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S61.326 as:

Laceration with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail
Parent Code Notes: S61

Excludes1: open fracture of wrist, hand and finger (S62.- with 7th character B)
traumatic amputation of wrist and hand (S68.-)

Code also: any associated wound infection

When To Use S61.326

The diagnosis describes by the ICD 10 CM S61.326 code entails a laceration with a foreign body, specifically in the right little finger. This kind of injury may lead to various symptoms, such as pain, bleeding, tenderness, stiffness or tightness, swelling, bruising, infection, inflammation, and restricted motion. With such a diagnosis, patients may experience a significant impact on their daily activities, particularly those that require the use of their fingers.

Medical professionals primarily use the patient’s history and physical examination to diagnose this condition. Depending on the depth and severity of the wound, the provider may also investigate the nerves, bones, and blood vessels, using imaging techniques such as X-rays to determine the extent of damage and to evaluate for foreign bodies. It is crucial to identify the presence of any foreign objects in the wound and remove them immediately to avoid complications such as an infection.

Treatment options for patients diagnosed with ICD 10 CM S61.326 code include control of any bleeding, thorough cleaning of the wound, debridement of damaged tissue, and wound repair. Topical medication application and dressing should follow accordingly. Medical professionals may also administer analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to manage pain, along with antibiotics to prevent or treat any possible infections. Tetanus prophylaxis may be necessary in some cases.

If a patient experiences symptoms such as severe pain, loss of sensation, numbness, or prolonged bleeding, they should seek medical attention immediately. Patients should also ensure to keep the wound clean, dry, and protected while it heals. They can cover it with a clean and dry bandage, change the dressing regularly, and avoid any activities that may harm the wound. Patients diagnosed with ICD 10 CM S61.326 code should follow their healthcare provider’s instructions carefully to maximize the chances of a successful recovery.

In conclusion, the ICD 10 CM S61.326 diagnosis code identifies a laceration with a foreign body in the right little finger, which can cause significant discomfort and affect the patient’s daily activities. Healthcare providers utilize the patient’s medical history, physical examination, and imaging techniques to diagnose this condition. Treatment methods include wound repair, pain management, and the prevention or treatment of potential infections. With proper treatment and care, patients can recover fully from this type of injury.

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