ICD 10 CM S82.046J | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S82.046J describes a specific type of patella fracture where the knee cap breaks into three or more pieces due to various causes such as falling on the knees, a direct forceful blow, excessive bending of the knee, sports activities, or a traffic accident, without any displacement of the fracture fragments, and in this particular case, the provider has not documented whether the fracture involves the right or left patella during a subsequent encounter for delayed healing of an open fracture of Gustilo type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC, which is exposed through a tear or laceration of the skin.

Official Description Of S82.046J

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S82.046J as:

Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of unspecified patella, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
Parent Code Notes: S82

Includes: fracture of malleolus

Excludes1: traumatic amputation of lower leg (S88.-)

Excludes2: fracture of foot, except ankle (S92.-)
periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic implant of knee joint (M97.1-)

When To Use S82.046J

The diagnosis described by the ICD 10 CM S82.046J code refers to a specific type of injury: a nondisplaced comminuted fracture of an unspecified patella. Patella fractures are a common injury, and they can be caused by a variety of incidents such as falls, car accidents, sports injuries, and blunt trauma. Fractures can range from minor, requiring little to no treatment, to severe, which require surgery and extensive rehabilitation.

One of the most common symptoms associated with a patella fracture is severe pain on weightbearing. Additionally, patients may experience abnormal fluid collection (effusion) and/or bleeding (hemarthrosis) in the joint, bruising over the affected site, inability to straighten the knee and restricted range of motion, deformity, and stiffness. These symptoms can be severe and may require medical attention.

To diagnose a patella fracture, healthcare providers will evaluate a patient’s symptoms and medical history, conduct a physical examination, and order appropriate laboratory tests and imaging studies such as X-rays or computed tomography. Medical imaging is used to identify the extent of the fracture and the surrounding damage.

For minor, stable, and closed fractures, medical providers may recommend immobilizing the knee with a splint or cast for several weeks to allow the bone to heal. However, in the case of more severe, unstable, or open fractures, surgery may be necessary to realign the patella fragments and promote proper healing. The provider may perform an arthroscopy (a minimally invasive procedure) to examine the inside of the knee joint and repair connective tissue.

Along with medical intervention, patients may require medication to manage the pain associated with a patella fracture. Depending on the severity of the pain, healthcare providers may prescribe narcotic analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to provide relief. In some cases, antibiotics may also be necessary to prevent or treat infection, particularly in the case of open fractures.

As healing progresses, physical therapy and rehabilitation are often necessary to help patients regain flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Treatment may include exercises to improve patellar mobility and therapies to help restore the knee joint’s ability to bear weight.

In summary, the ICD 10 CM S82.046J code describes a specific type of patella fracture that can cause severe symptoms and require medical intervention. A comprehensive diagnosis includes medical imaging, a physical examination, and a thorough medical history. Treatment may range from immobilization with a splint or cast to surgical intervention, medication for pain, and physical therapy. Patients should seek prompt medical care for any knee pain or injury to ensure proper treatment and a quick recovery.

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