ICD 10 CM S95.11 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S95.11 describes a specific medical condition characterized by the tearing or cutting of the blood vessels that supply the plantar region or sole of the foot, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as blunt or penetrating trauma from a traffic accident, sports activity, surgery, crush injury, or a puncture or gunshot wound.

Official Description Of S95.11

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S95.11 as:

Laceration of plantar artery of foot
Parent Code Notes: S95

Excludes2: injury of posterior tibial artery and vein (S85.1-, S85.8-)

Code also: any associated open wound (S91.-)

When To Use S95.11

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM S95.11 is a laceration of the plantar artery of the foot. This type of injury can be severe and may result in a variety of symptoms, including pain, severe bleeding, blood clot (hematoma), weakness, low blood pressure (hypotension), discoloration of the skin, coldness of the affected part, and pseudoaneurysm.

When a patient presents with this type of injury, providers will begin with a thorough evaluation to determine the extent of the damage. This will typically include a review of the patient’s medical history and a physical examination. During the physical examination, the provider will assess sensation, reflexes, blood supply, and the presence of bruits (a sound produced by turbulent blood flow through a damaged vessel). The provider may also order laboratory studies of the blood for hemoglobin and hematocrit to evaluate blood loss, as well as coagulation factors and platelets to evaluate blood clotting.

Vascular imaging studies, such as angiography and ultrasound, may also be used to assess blood flow and determine the best course of treatment. These may be especially useful in cases where a surgical repair of the blood vessel is required.

Treatment options for a plantar artery laceration can vary depending on the extent of the injury. For example, stopping the bleeding may be the first priority, especially in cases where the bleeding is severe. Once the bleeding is under control, surgical repair of the blood vessel may be needed. In some cases, a stent or occlusion of the blood vessel may be necessary.

If a patient has experienced significant blood loss, they may require a blood transfusion. Additionally, anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy may be used to prevent or treat blood clots. Patients may also be given medications for pain and will typically be closely monitored to ensure that the injury heals properly.

Overall, while a laceration of the plantar artery of the foot can be a serious injury, prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help to minimize long-term complications and ensure a full recovery. Patients who are experiencing symptoms consistent with this type of injury should seek medical attention as soon as possible to maximize their chances of a positive outcome.

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