ICD 10 CM S06.309 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S06.309 describes a medical condition that results from a severe blow to the head, an assault, a fall, or injury during a motor vehicle collision, which causes damage to a specific area of the brain and may lead to a change in the patient’s responsiveness to stimuli, without any documentation from the provider regarding the duration of unconsciousness or the nature of the focal traumatic brain injury.

Official Description Of S06.309

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S06.309 as:

Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration
Parent Code Notes: S06.3

Excludes1: any condition classifiable to S06.4-S06.6

Excludes2: focal cerebral edema (S06.1)

Use additional code, if applicable, for traumatic brain compression or herniation (S06.A-)

Parent Code Notes: S06

Includes: traumatic brain injury

Excludes1: head injury NOS (S09.90)

Code also: any associated:
open wound of head (S01.-)
skull fracture (S02.-)

Use additional code, if applicable, to identify mild neurocognitive disorders due to known physiological condition (F06.7-)

When To Use S06.309

The diagnosis describes by the ICD-10-CM S06.309 code is an unspecified focal traumatic brain injury. This kind of injury can have severe consequences for the patient, including unconsciousness, swelling, and bleeding in the brain. Additionally, problems like seizures, confusion, and headaches are often associated with this condition.

To diagnose this type of injury, healthcare providers focus on a patient’s history of trauma, along with a thorough physical examination. They pay attention to the patient’s response to stimuli, pupil dilation, Glasgow coma scale, and imaging techniques that can determine the extent of damage and monitor resolution or worsening. Other assessments like evoked potentials and electroencephalography can also be carried out to evaluate the brain’s function.

Once diagnosed, there are several treatment options available for patients. The primary focus is on stabilizing the individual’s airway and circulation, which are critical for survival. Medications such as sedatives, analgesics, corticosteroids, and antiseizure drugs can also be used to manage symptoms and complications.

Rehabilitation is essential for patients who experience physical and mental disability as a result of this condition. Physical and occupational therapy can help improve a patient’s motor skills, and cognitive therapy can help with impaired cognitive function. Patients may also need assistance with their memory, attention, or concentration, depending on the affected site of injury.

It’s important to note that the long-term consequences of a traumatic brain injury can vary widely depending on the severity and type of injury. Patients might suffer from long-term disabilities and might require ongoing care and management. It’s important for healthcare providers to work closely with patients to ensure they receive the necessary care and treatment to manage their symptoms and maintain their quality of life.

To conclude, the S06.309 diagnosis code describes a type of traumatic brain injury that can have long-term consequences for patients. Effective diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential to improve a patient’s chances of recovery and to manage any associated symptoms and complications. It’s essential to work closely with healthcare providers to ensure patients can access the care and support they need to manage this condition.

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