ICD 10 CM S25.419D | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S25.419D describes a specific medical condition characterized by a minor laceration of the pulmonary blood vessels, which can occur as a result of various factors such as blunt or penetrating chest trauma from a motor vehicle accident or sports activity, a puncture or gunshot wound, external compression or force, or injury during a catheterization procedure or surgery, and is documented by the provider as an unspecified injury to the vessels in and around the lungs, without specifying whether it affects the left or right pulmonary blood vessels, during a subsequent encounter for the injury.

Official Description Of S25.419D

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S25.419D as:

Minor laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
Parent Code Notes: S25

Code also: any associated open wound (S21.-)

When To Use S25.419D

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM S25.419D pertains to a minor laceration of an unspecified pulmonary blood vessel. This type of injury can lead to a range of symptoms such as pain, headache, hematoma, bleeding or blood clot, shock, shortness of breath, contusion of the chest wall, infection, inflammation, variation in distal pulse, fatigue or weakness, hypotension or low blood pressure, discoloration of the skin, and pseudoaneurysm.

To diagnose this type of injury, providers usually rely on a combination of methods. First, they gather the patient’s medical history, including any trauma that may have occurred. Then, they conduct a physical examination, including tests for sensation, reflexes, and vascular assessment, such as the presence of bruits. Laboratory studies of the blood may also be ordered to check for coagulation factors, platelets, and, if contrast imaging studies are planned, BUN and creatinine for evaluation of kidney function.

Imaging studies are also an important part of the diagnostic process. Providers may use X-rays, angiography, venography, duplex doppler scan, MRA, and CTA to identify the location and extent of the laceration.

Treatment options for a minor laceration of an unspecified pulmonary blood vessel vary depending on the severity of the injury. In some cases, observation may be sufficient. In others, anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy may be prescribed. Blood pressure support may be necessary in some cases. Analgesics may be given to manage pain. Antibiotics may be prescribed if there is any risk of infection. Surgery may be required to repair the cut in the vessel.

Although the diagnosis code for a minor laceration of an unspecified pulmonary blood vessel is relatively straightforward, managing the injury requires careful attention and a multi-faceted approach. Providers must be vigilant in assessing the severity of the injury and the patient’s symptoms, as well as choosing the most appropriate treatment plan to promote healing and prevent complications.

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