Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10, Exercise Induced Asthma, ICD 10 Exercise Induced Asthma

(2022) How To Code Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 – List With Codes & Guidelines

This article will outline the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and the ICD 10 CM code for Exercise Induced Asthma.

Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 Causes

It is not clear what causes Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 (bronchial narrowing) caused by movement. This may be more than a biological process. People with this condition may have inflammation that produces excess mucus after hard exercise.

Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 caused by exercise can occur after exercise. These include:

  • coughing
  • wheezing
  • shortness of breath
  • tightness in the chest
  • pain
  • fatigue after exercise
  • poor or expected athletic performance
  • avoidance of activity (signs in young children)
  • These symptoms can last up to 60 minutes if left untreated.

Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 Diagnosis

To diagnose Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10, the doctor performs spirometry (SPY) or ROM (tree test) to assess lung function when the lungs are not exercising. A spirometer measures how much air a patient inhales and how much he exhales when he inhales. Spirometry is an important rule for underlying chronic Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 and can cause symptoms. The doctor and patient repeat the test when the patient takes an inhaled drug that opens his lungs (a bronchodilator). The doctor compares the results of the two measurements to see if the drug improves airflow.

An additional test that allows doctors to assess symptoms is a challenge. Patients can walk on a treadmill or use other stationary exercise equipment to increase their breathing rate. The physical challenge must be intense enough to trigger symptoms. For this reason, patients are asked to tackle a real-life challenge, such as climbing stairs. Like the spirometry test, the stress test also provides evidence of bronchoconstriction caused by movement.

Spirometry tests and challenge tests can provide information about changes in lung function. Challenge tests can be carried out with methacholine, an inhaled drug that causes bronchoconstriction. As an alternative to physical challenges, doctors can use inhalation tests that simulate conditions caused by a bronchial narrowing triggered by movement. Because the airways respond to these conditions, these tests can produce the same lung function as if the patient had exercised.

Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 Treatment

Patients should use a drug inhaled before exercise to manage Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10. When the weather is cold, exercise indoors and wear a mask or scarf around your nose and mouth. Avoid sports if the pollen count is high or you have allergies, and avoid sports if there is high air pollution. Warm up before training and cool down between training sessions.

Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10 should not be used as an excuse to avoid exercise. With the correct diagnosis and treatment of Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10, patients should be able to enjoy the benefits of an exercise program without symptoms of Exercise Induced Asthma ICD 10. Patients should be at a level that is appropriate for them. Some patients restrict their physical activity when they have a viral infection.

ICD 10 Code For Exercise Induced Asthma

ICD 10 CM J45.990 Exercise induced bronchospasm
ICD 10 CM J45.99 Other asthma

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