ICD 10 For Irregular Menses, irregular menses ICD 10, icd 10 irregular menses

(2022) How To Code Irregular Menses ICD 10 – List With Codes & Guidelines

This article will outline the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and the ICD 10 CM codes for Irregular Menses.

Irregular Menses ICD 10 Causes

Stress and lifestyle factors can also cause irregular menses ICD 10. Significant weight gain or loss, dietary changes, exercise, travel, illness or other disturbances in a woman’s daily routine can affect her menstrual cycle. Baby birth control pills can also cause irregular menstruation.

Most birth control pills prevent pregnancy by preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. They contain a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin (some contain only the latter). Giving up the birth control pill can affect menstruation.

Uterine polyps or fibroids can cause irregular menses ICD 10. This is an important consideration if the patient is planning a conception or getting pregnant. Women taking birth control pills containing progestin can have bleeding between periods. Women who have irregular menses ICD 10 or missing periods for six months should stop taking the contraceptive pill.

Uterine polyps are small, benign, cancer-free growths in the endometrium. Uterine fibroids are tumors that attach to the uterine wall. One or more fibrosis can range from as small as an apple core to the size of a grapefruit.

If the fibroids are large, they can put pressure on the bladder or rectum, which can cause discomfort. Some tumours are benign, but can cause severe bleeding and pain in stages. Endometriosis can also cause irregular menses ICD 10.

Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue lining the uterus begins to grow outside the uterus. It attaches to the ovaries and fallopian tubes and grows into the intestine and other organs in the lower digestive tract (the area between the rectum and uterus). It breaks off during the month and discharges during menstruation. It can cause abnormal bleeding, cramps, pain during periods and painful sexual intercourse.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvis are bacterial infections that affect the female reproductive system. Bacteria can enter the vagina through sexual contact and spread to the uterus and upper genital tract. They can also invade the reproductive system during gynecological procedures, births, miscarriages and abortions. Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease include:

  • Severe discharge
  • Unpleasant odour
  • Irregular periods
  • Pelvic and lower abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused by irregular menses ICD 10. In this condition, the ovaries consist of large amounts of androgens (male hormones). Small fluid-filled sacs (cysts) form in the ovary. These cysts can be seen on an ultrasound.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused by hormonal imbalance, but the exact cause is unknown. Some women with the condition have irregular menses ICD 10 or stop menstruating altogether. Hormonal changes can prevent the egg from maturing and ovulation cannot take place. It is also associated with obesity, infertility, hirsutism (excessive hair growth) and acne.

Treatment of PCOS depends on the woman’s desire to become pregnant. If pregnancy is not the goal, weight loss, oral birth control pills or medications such as Metformin (r), an insulin-sensitivity stimulant used in diabetes, can regulate the cycle of a woman. Pregnancy-stimulating drugs that stimulate ovulation can also be tried.

Premature ovarian insufficiency occurs in women over 40 when the ovaries do not function normally. The menstrual cycle stops abruptly, similar to the menopause. It can cause irregular menses ICD 10 (e.g. If this condition occurs, the patient should go to the doctor immediately. Premature ovarian insufficiency can occur in patients being treated for cancer (chemotherapy or radiation) or if they have a family history of this disease or certain chromosomal abnormalities.

Most women have 11 to 13 menstrual cycles a year. A menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, but can vary between 24 and 35 days depending on the individual. The bleeding can last up to 5 days, but it can also last 2 to 7 days. When the first menstruation starts it can take up to 2 years to establish a regular cycle.

During puberty, most women’s menstruation is regular. In some women, the time between periods and the amount of blood spilled may vary. However, length and time between periods are similar.

Irregular Menses ICD 10 Symptoms & Diagnosis

Changes in blood flow or clots with a diameter of more than 2.5 centimetres are considered irregular. The main symptom of irregular menses ICD 10 is that the cycle is longer than 35 days, but may vary in length.

The first step in diagnosing menstrual problems is to see a doctor. He or she will want to know what the symptoms are and why they are experiencing them.

It can help the patient to prepare themselves with notes about the menstrual cycle, its regularity and any symptoms. A doctor may use these notes to find out if there is anything abnormal.

A Pap smear is performed to rule out the possibility of cancer or other underlying diseases. In addition to a physical exam, a doctor may perform a pelvic exam. This allows the doctor to assess the reproductive organs and determine whether the vagina or cervix is dilated.

Other tests that a doctor can use to diagnose the cause of the menstrual problems include an endometrial biopsy that is used to extract a sample of the uterus for further analysis; hysteroscopy, in which a small camera is placed into the uterus to help the doctor detect abnormalities and an ultrasound which is used to create an image of the uterus. If the patient suspects they are pregnant, a doctor or nurse may order a blood, urine or pregnancy test during the visit. Blood tests can help determine whether there is a hormonal imbalance that causes menstrual problems.

Irregular Menses ICD 10 Treatments

Treatment of menstrual disorders can vary depending on the type of irregularity and certain lifestyle factors such as if the woman plans to become pregnant.

Treatment of menstrual disorders due to ovarian bleeding (severe or prolonged menstrual bleeding) involves the use of a hormone-releasing intrauterine device and the use of different medications (such as those that contain progestin or transexamic acid) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of menstrual disorders due to anovulatory bleeding (absenteeism, rare periods or irregular menses ICD 10) may include oral contraceptives (e.g. Cyclic progestin) and treatment of the underlying disorder that causes menstrual problems, such as counselling, nutritional therapy or eating disorders.

Endometrial ablation procedures (etching to remove or close or burn blood vessels in the endometrium or endometrium) and hysterectomies are invasive removal of polyps (uterine fibroids) and uterine arteries (embolization procedures) that block blood flow to the uterus.

Treatments for dysmenorrhea (painful periods) include applying heat pads to the abdomen, taking non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, taking contraceptives (including injectable hormone therapy and birth control pills), and using a variety of but common treatments.

ICD 10 Code For Irregular Menses

ICD 10 CM N92.6: Irregular menstruation unspecified


  • Irregular bleeding NOS
  • Irregular periods NOS


  • Irregular menstruation with:
  • Lengthened intervals or scanty bleeding (N91.3-N91.5) – instead use code N91.3
  • Shortened intervals or excessive bleeding – instead use code N92.1

ICD 10 CM N92.5: Other specified irregular menstruation

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