hypokalemia icd 10

(2022) How To Code Hypokalemia ICD 10 – List With Codes & Guidelines

Hypokalemia ICD 10 is when the potassium level in the blood is too low. Potassium is an important electrolyte for the function of nerve and muscle cells as well as muscle cells in the heart. Your kidneys control the potassium content of your body and allow excess potassium to leave the body in urine and sweat.

What Is Hypokalemia?

In some cases, low potassium levels can lead to arrhythmias (arrhythmias) and severe muscle weakness. Learn what it means to have hypokalemia ICD 10 and how to treat it. A mild hypothermia does not cause any symptoms. The symptoms can be reversed with treatment.

Low potassium (hypokalemia ICD 10) can have many causes. The most common cause of excess potassium loss in the urine is prescription drugs that increase urination. These drugs, also known as diuretics or water pills are often prescribed to people with high blood pressure or heart disease. Vomiting and diarrhoea can also be due to excessive potassium loss in the digestive tract.

Low potassium can also be caused by not having enough potassium in your diet. There are no signs or symptoms of hypokalemia ICD 10. If you do not have any of these symptoms, you may have mild hypokalemia.

Hypokalemia ICD 10 is not a disease in itself, so before a person receives a diagnosis, doctors must determine the cause of the loss of potassium. In most cases it is straightforward. If a doctor suspects that a person is hypocalemic, he or she will perform tests to measure the amount of potassium in their body. You can do this by analyzing the potassium content in your urine.

Patients with kidney disease, diabetes mellitus or functional disorders of the vegetative nervous system are not advised against the use of potassium or potassium-sparing diuretics. Calcium chloride can be administered for severe hypokalemia ICD 10. The underlying cause of hypocanemia should be treated. Associated acid-based disorders and hormonal disorders should be evaluated and planned for treatment. Treatment should be monitored closely by a doctor.

An imbalance between the external and internal potassium levels of an individual can lead to a life-threatening hypokalemia ICD 10 if there is too much potassium. Hypokalemia ICD 10 in people with high blood pressure who take diuretics can be improved by replacing potassium lost in the diet with certain fruits and potassium supplements. People who exercise or exercise in warm weather should take care to replace potassium lost through excessive sweating. This can be achieved through nutritional planning. It can also be minimised by limiting salt intake through diet, as high sodium excretion rates promote the loss of potassium in the urine.


  • using excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Excessively perspiring
  • Anemia caused by lack of folic acid
  • The use of a particular type of antibiotic
  • Ketoacidosis in people with diabetes (high levels of acids called ketones in your blood)
  • Long-term use of laxatives, as opposed to one-time use.
  • Many different types of tobacco exist.
  • Asthma medications
  • lack of magnesium

Hypokalemia ICD 10

Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as E87.6.

If you have a low or average total potassium level in your body, you may experience this. Hypokalemia is an iatrogenically produced metabolic imbalance that may be deadly. You must understand that Several different processes or etiologies may cause Hypokalemia. It is possible to determine the underlying cause of Hypokalemia from a patient’s medical history, physical examination, and/or basic laboratory tests.

However, if a patient’s Hypokalemia does not improve after receiving appropriate initial treatment, a more thorough investigation is required to uncover the root cause. Hypokalemia, commonly known as low potassium, is described as having a potassium level in the blood of less than 3.5 mmol/L. Hypokalemia is defined as having a potassium level of 2.5-3.0 mEq/L in the blood.

In addition to a reduction in potassium intake, increased potassium excretion, or a transfer of intracellular potassium to extracellular potassium, a decrease in potassium excretion is a potential reason for low potassium excretion. This kind of excretion-inducing action is by far the most widespread.

People with high blood pressure who use diuretics can alleviate hypokalemia ICD 10 by eating potassium-rich foods and using potassium supplements. Potassium is lost via sweating and should be supplemented by those who exercise or do so in hot conditions. This may be achieved with the aid of a nutritional plan. For example, a diet low in salt can help lower sodium excretion rates and, hence, potassium loss in the urine.

Hypokalemia ICD 10 Codes are as follows:

  • E87.6 – Hypokalemia
  • P74.32 – Hypokalemia of newborn
  • N25.89 – Impaired renal tubular function

ICD 10 Code for Hypokalemia Unspecified

The ICD 10 code for Hypokalemia unspecified is E87.6.

A lack of potassium in your diet might potentially result in a potassium shortage. Symptoms of hypokalemia ICD 10 are not noticeable. Moderate Hypokalemia is diagnosed if none of the above symptoms apply to you. Before diagnosing hypokalemia ICD 10, doctors must first determine the origin of the potassium loss. The majority of the time, the solution is straightforward. Patients suspected of being hypokalemic will have their potassium levels tested by a doctor. In addition, your urine potassium level can be checked to see whether you are at risk.

History Of Hypokalemia ICD 10

The history may be vague. Many patients with a mild form of Hypokalemia have no symptoms at all. While Hypokalemia may produce specific symptoms, it is more often than not the underlying cause that is to blame for such symptoms. The gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys, the musculoskeletal system, the heart, and the neurological system are all affected by Hypokalemia, as are the body’s other organs. Therefore, the patient’s drugs should be reviewed to see if they might cause Hypokalemia.

Critical Hypokalemia ICD 10

Cardiovascular arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation from high automaticity, as well as a respiratory failure from neuromuscular weakness, are all associated with critical Hypokalemia. Therefore, in persons with mild to severe Hypokalemia, the recommended rate of intravenous potassium therapy is 10 to 20 mEq/h.

The hazards of exacerbating Hypokalemia by providing insulin must be evaluated against the benefits of reducing blood glucose levels and plasma osmolality, resulting in improved mentation in atypical persons like ours. Therefore, large dosages of potassium and insulin were administered concurrently for 24 to 48 hours, allowing both metabolic anomalies to be addressed.

Diabetes With Hypokalemia ICD 10

Diabetes With Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as E11.69.

Low insulin production and peripheral glucose utilization are associated with hyperglycemia and carbohydrate intolerance in patients with Hypokalemia. For people with diabetes, the problem is further aggravated since low blood. K+ levels are associated with poorly managed diabetes and vice versa. If your blood sugar lowers too rapidly, you might be at risk of becoming diabetic—a lack of potassium (Hypokalemia).

As a result of the fluids and insulin needed to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, your potassium level may go dangerously low. Your heart, muscles, and nerves might be affected by a potassium deficit. Symptoms such as thirst, nausea, weakness, and shortness of breath might occur if dangerous levels of these substances accumulate in your body. The fluids and insulin your doctor gives you to treat diabetic ketoacidosis may cause your potassium levels to fall.

Drug Induced Hypokalemia ICD 10

Drug Induced Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as E87.6

Hypokalemia can be caused by the following drugs: Among diuretics include carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, loop diuretics, and thiazides. A more significant permeability of the collecting ducts or a stronger potassium secretion gradient might be lost. Xanthine derivatives such as methylxanthines are available (theophylline, aminophylline, caffeine). A common cause of Hypokalemia is potassium loss in the kidneys that takes diuretic medications. With thiazide-type diuretics and loop diuretics like furosemide, it is possible. Loop diuretics can cause Hypokalemia, even if potassium supplements are given.

Electrolyte Imbalance Hypokalemia ICD 10

Electrolyte Imbalance Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as E87.6.

There are various electrolytes in your body, including potassium, which is one of them. Patients with Hypokalemia have electrolyte abnormalities, which suggest low potassium levels in the blood. Most individuals benefit from potassium levels ranging between 3.5 and 5.9 mEq/L.Magnesium levels should be checked in patients with irregular heartbeats because low potassium levels frequently accompany low magnesium levels. Intravenous potassium chloride replacement is required for patients with abnormal EKGs and severe Hypokalemia.

Familial Hypokalemia ICD 10

Familial Hypokalemia is coded as G72.3.

Those with hypokalemic periodic paralysis, also known as familial hypokalemic, suffer from muscle weakness or paralysis when potassium levels in the blood go too low. An individual’s triggers include relaxation after strenuous activity (attacks during exercise are infrequent), high-carbohydrate meals (high-salt), sudden temperature changes, as well as loud noises and flashing lights (as well as stress).

The extent of a person’s inability might vary greatly, from a mild case of weakness to complete paralysis. During an attack, reflexes might be hindered or even absent. From a few hours to days, attacks might last. Recovery is often rapid to compensate for the sudden release of potassium from the expanded muscles. While some adults may suffer an abortion or chronic muscle weakness later in life, this is not the case for everyone.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Hypokalemia ICD 10

Hyperemesis gravidarum hypokalemia is coded as O21.1.

Increased amounts of progesterone, which counteract kaliuresis, are responsible for maintaining blood potassium levels in the normal range throughout pregnancy. This compensatory mechanism is quickly overridden when GS is present, resulting in severe Hypokalemia. Hyperemesis gravidarum can cause severe Hypokalemia as a result of vomiting.

Hypokalemia is a common cause of muscle paralysis. On the other hand, hypokalemic paralysis when pregnant is rare. Acute muscle weakness has been linked to low potassium levels in the blood. In addition to affecting the mother’s health, hyperemesis gravidarum, or pernicious vomiting of pregnancy, can also harm the fetus. To prevent and cure hyperemesis gravidarum, new research has led to revised recommendations.

It is possible to improve a mother’s health by changing her food and lifestyle. Medicinal treatments for prevention and treatment include nutritional supplements, alternative therapies including hypnosis and acupuncture, and medicine.

Hyperemesis gravidarum can result in various outcomes. In addition to feeling poorly, women with this ailment report a reduced quality of life and more time off from work. They said that their quality of life was hampered by the physical discomfort of being unwell and the mental anguish that came with it. Women have also complained about how women are treated in the workplace and in public. In addition, patients, their employers, and the healthcare system may all face financial hardship due to hyperemesis, proving that the disease’s effects are not limited to pregnant women alone.

Hypokalemia And Hypomagnesemia ICD 10

Many people have Hypokalemia and hypocalcemia (related to magnesium deficiency in the blood). Therefore, hypomagnesemia and volume depletion must be considered in addition to reasons when a doctor is looking at hypokalemia causes. A potassium-rich diet can be employed for mild to moderate Hypokalemia, but oral or IV potassium is required for severe Hypokalemia.

This electrolyte imbalance, which affects more than 20% of hospitalized patients, is a condition that is often seen in clinical practice. It has been seen to have Hypokalemia as many as half of the critically ill, and Intensive Care Unit patients have hypomagnesemia, which is another common occurrence.

Hypokalemia (urinary potassium waste) and hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency) are frequently linked to hypomagnesemia. When looking into the reasons for Hypokalemia, a doctor must also look into other possible causes, such as volume depletion and hypomagnesemia. A potassium-rich diet can be used to treat minor symptoms of Hypokalemia, but oral or intravenous potassium is needed to treat symptoms of severe Hypokalemia.

More than 20% of hospitalized patients have Hypokalemia, a condition in which the potassium level in the blood is less than 3.5 mmol/L, which may occur to a certain extent in the body (in clinical practice). In critically ill and intensive care unit patients, hypomagnesemia affects around half of the patient population. Excess potassium intake, potassium transfer from extracellular to intracellular compartments, or excessive potassium loss are all potential causes of Hypokalemia.

The kidneys and intestines are the primary means through which excess potassium is expelled from the body. One of the most severe forms of electrolyte deficiency, hypomagnesemia, can have life-threatening effects on the heart. Food intake and renal excretion or reabsorption mechanisms are essential in maintaining magnesium homeostasis.

Hypokalemia Secondary To Antifungals ICD 10

Aside from fungal cell walls, the medication can also bind to cholesterol found in human cells. The creation of holes in renal tubular collecting duct cells due to AmB binding results in Hypokalemia and potassium leaking.

How To Code Mild Hypokalemia ICD 10

The following information describes how to code Mild Hypokalemia for ICD 10.

What Is Mild Hypokalemia?

To treat mild Hypokalemia, potassium supplements can be used orally or intravenously. Intravenous calcium is administered to avoid cardiac conduction problems in patients with hyperkalemic electrocardiography changes. Excess potassium loss in urine is most often caused by prescription medications that induce the user to urinate more frequently. Patients with high blood pressure or heart disease may be prescribed this class of medication, sometimes known as diuretics or water pills. It is more usual to have a mild case of Hypokalemia than a severe one.

Mild Hypokalemia ICD 10

Mild Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as E87.6.

Potassium supplements are commonly used to treat patients with low blood potassium levels. An unnaturally high potassium level is referred to as moderate hyperkalemia, while an excessively low potassium level is called severe Hypokalemia. Patients who are critically ill may be given intravenous potassium solution (IV). In cases when Hypokalemia is caused by an underlying medical condition, such as low magnesium levels or an overactive thyroid, the condition must be treated as a whole.

How To Code Chronic Hypokalemia ICD 10

This chapter will help you determine how to code Chronic Hypokalemia for ICD 10.

What Is Chronic Hypokalemia?

Deficient potassium levels in the blood characterize a metabolic disease known as Hypokalemia. It might be a symptom of another illness or a side effect of diuretic medication. The condition known as chronic Hypokalemia is defined as a person’s potassium level falling below the normal range of 3.5 mEq/L. Mild Hypokalemia is defined as a potassium level of 2.5-3.0 mEq/L or less in the bloodstream. To put it another way, medically induced Hypokalemia can be fatal.

Treatment for an inadequate potassium shortage may be accomplished by using potassium supplements recommended by your doctor. If your illness is severe, potassium may need to be administered intravenously (IV). A diuretic that does not remove potassium from your system rather than excreting it may be prescribed as a last resort by your doctor as a last option.

Chronic Hypokalemia ICD 10

On the other hand, Hypokalemia can result in episodes of extreme muscular weakness, which can eventually lead to paralysis and even respiratory failure in severe cases. If you have any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from a muscular disorder (tetany). Hypokalemia can be treated by administering potassium either orally or intravenously. Individuals with hyperkalemic ECG abnormalities are given intravenous calcium to avoid cardiac conduction abnormalities.

How To Code Hypokalemia Newborn ICD 10

This chapter discusses how to code Hypokalemia Newborn ICD 10.

What Is Hypokalemia Newborn?

Hyperkalemia can lead to ventricular fibrillation or wide-complex tachycardia, leading to a cardiac collapse in children. Circulatory collapse/cardiac arrest is preceded by respiratory failure and weakness that progresses to paralysis. In addition, patients may encounter symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Hypokalemia in infants can be treated with any intervention to disperse serum potassium (sodium bicarbonate or insulin and glucose) or increase potassium excretion from the body. As a result of their inability to establish the renal function, extremely premature babies are particularly susceptible to Hypokalemia. Because of a lack of aldosterone response, even full-term babies may suffer from Hypokalemia and hyponatremia at some point.

Hypokalemia Newborn ICD 10

Hypokalemia Newborn ICD 10 is coded as P74.32

A non-hemolyzed blood sample with a potassium concentration of more than six moL/L is considered hyperkalemic in infants. Verification of potassium levels using a venous or arterial sample is recommended since hemolyzed materials might distort test results.

How To Code Acute Hypokalemia ICD 10

The following information will discuss how you can code Acute Hypokalemia ICD 10.

What Is Acute Hypokalemia?

Potassium is an essential nutrient for healthy bodily functions. It is essential for the health of heart cells. Muscle movement, nutrition transport to cells, and neuronal impulse transmission are all aided. Several conditions can lead to Hypokalemia (low potassium). A low potassium level in the blood is known as acute Hypokalemia. Increasing urination is a common side effect of prescription medicines, which causes excessive potassium loss in the urine.

According to the American Heart Association, people with high blood pressure who use diuretics may be able to reduce their chance of developing hypokalemia ICD 10 by eating potassium-rich meals and taking potassium supplements. Physically active individuals, particularly those in hot weather, should increase their potassium intake since perspiration eliminates potassium from the body. A diet plan may be beneficial in achieving this objective.

A very low-salt diet may cause sodium excretion to be lowered, which in turn may cause potassium loss in the urine to be reduced as a result. Patients with excessive blood pressure or heart disease are often prescribed diuretics, which are liquid pills taken orally by the patient. Eating too little potassium may cause the body’s potassium levels to drop too low.

Acute Hypokalemia ICD 10

Acute Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as E87.6.

Numerous factors can lead to low potassium acute hypokalemia. When taking medicine for high blood pressure or having a high potassium level in the blood, it is possible to lose a substantial quantity of potassium via the kidneys. Patients with excessive blood pressure or heart disease may be administered diuretics, sometimes fluid pills.

Anemia may result in muscle weakness and, in severe cases, even paralysis. If Hypokalemia is severe enough, it can cause respiratory failure. Any of the signs and symptoms listed above might suggest a problem with your muscles. Hypokalemia may be treated with potassium supplements, which can be taken orally or administered intravenously as needed. Intravenous calcium is administered to patients with hyperkalemic ECG abnormalities to prevent the heart from developing conduction abnormalities.

Acute Renal Failure With Hypokalemia ICD 10

Acute Renal Failure With Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as N17.9

Hyperkalemia is a frequent consequence of acute kidney injury, particularly in oliguric AKI. Due to metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia can be exacerbated by potassium efflux from the intracellular compartment. Hypokalemic nephropathy is a progressive renal illness caused by persistent Hypokalemia that can end-stage kidney disease if not treated promptly.

Even if Hypokalemia is less frequent in persons with chronic kidney disease (CKD), it is harmful as reduced renal K excretion induces hyperkalemia. Hypokalemia can develop in persons with chronic kidney disease (CKD) when taking non-K-sparing diuretics. Hyperkalemia is frequently caused by advanced renal disease. Early in renal disease, the kidneys can adjust for high potassium levels. However, if your kidney function deteriorates, you may find that they cannot eliminate enough potassium from your body—a potassium-rich diet.

How To Code Diuretic Induced Hypokalemia ICD 10

This chapter explains how to code Diuretic Induced Hypokalemia ICD 10 with detailed descriptions.

What Is Diuretic Induced Hypokalemia?

Chronic renal failure can lead to hyperkalemia, especially in oliguric AKI patients. An increase in intracellular potassium excretion might lead to an increase in hyperkalemia if metabolic acidosis is present. Chronic Hypokalemia, the underlying cause of hypokalemic nephropathy, can lead to end-stage renal disease if not addressed, even while Hypokalemia can be just as dangerous as hyperkalemia.

Even in the presence of non-K-sparing diuretics, such as those that do not produce diarrhea or vomiting, Patients might develop Hypokalemia due to the loss of renal K. High potassium levels may generally be tolerated by the kidneys in the early stages of renal disease. You may find that your kidneys can no longer excrete enough potassium from your body if your renal function declines. Hyperkalemia is a frequent complication of advanced renal illness. Potassium levels are quite high.

Potassium deficiency is most usually induced by diuretic medication. They assist in removing salt and water from the body through the urine, hence lowering blood pressure. In contrast, certain diuretics may cause you to eliminate more potassium in your urine than usual. This might lead to low potassium levels in the blood (Hypokalemia). Even though potassium deficiency never surpasses 200 or 300 mEq, even a minor shortfall can have significant implications in the right circumstances.

It is more probable that diuretic patients may develop potassium deficit if they eat a high-salt diet, have large urine volumes, have metabolic alkalosis, and use two diuretics that target different renal tubules simultaneously. The deficiency of potassium leads to cardiac arrhythmia, rhabdomyolysis, glucose intolerance, and various other issues, including protein and nitrogen loss, liver necrosis, and even death in the most severe cases.

The following conditions, given in chronological order, may be associated with moderate Hypokalemia and are at risk for those who have it. The particular causes of potassium insufficiency and the suitable treatment approaches are briefly discussed in this section.

Diuretic Induced Hypokalemia ICD 10

Diuretic Induced Hypokalemia ICD 10 is coded as T50.2X5A.

In Diuretic-induced Hypokalemia, Blood pressure is reduced because they help your body excrete salt and water through the urine. In contrast, certain diuretics may cause you to eliminate more potassium in your urine than usual. This might lead to low potassium levels in the blood. Thiazide diuretics have been linked to Hypokalemia since their introduction in 1957. Biological consequences of Hypokalemia at the time were scarce, and much of what was known stemmed from investigations on animals that had been severely depleted of potassium.

People with high blood pressure or heart disease are commonly administered water tablets called diuretics by their doctors. Eating too little potassium may lower potassium levels in the body. There have been reports of significant adverse effects associated with using potassium supplements. These days, there are fewer and fewer potassium chloride pills, both uncoated and coated with enteric coating, as well as potassium-diuretic combination tablets.

How To Code Hypokalemia In Pregnancy ICD 10

The following information will help you determine how to code Hypokalemia in Pregnancy for ICD 10 systems.

What Is Hypokalemia In Pregnancy?

When it comes to pregnant women suffering from Hypokalemia, it is quite unusual. Low potassium concentrations are the primary cause of acute muscle weakness. Considered to be at high risk for problems, pregnant women who are paralyzed are Pregnancy-induced hypokalemic paralysis. Muscle weakness can occur quickly if potassium levels are low. A paralyzed pregnant woman from the waist down is considered at high risk.

During pregnancy, increased progesterone concentrations activate a mutant mineralocorticoid receptor, resulting in hypertension and Hypokalemia. Hypokalemia can be treated with potassium supplements either orally or intravenously, depending on the severity of the condition. Intravenous calcium is given to hyperkalemic patients to prevent cardiac conduction issues. Potassium is a mineral that is vital to human health.

Because of fluid loss, insufficiency in this vitamin is the most common occurrence. While pregnant, it is simple to avoid a potassium or vitamin D shortage. First, a doctor discovers what is causing the deficiency in potassium. If you have lately experienced diarrhea, vomiting, or heart difficulties, a doctor may ask if you have taken antibiotics or diuretics.

Hypokalemia In Pregnancy ICD 10

Hypokalemia In Pregnancy ICD 10 is coded as E87.6.

Elevated progesterone concentrations in pregnancy cause hypertension and Hypokalemia because of a mutant mineralocorticoid receptor activation. Hypokalemia is treated with potassium, either orally or intravenously, during pregnancy. To avoid cardiac conduction problems, intravenous calcium is administered to hyperkalemic people.

Mild Hypokalemia in Pregnancy ICD 10

Mild Hypokalemia in Pregnancy ICD 10 is coded as E87.6.

During pregnancy, minor Hypokalemia might be expected. Low blood pressure, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting are all common side symptoms of a healthy pregnancy. As a result, the diagnosis of an organic kidney condition, such as GS, may go unrecognized till severe Hypokalemia and possibly life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias occur. Mothers are impacted. Prenatal pathology may or may not be possible, but it is unclear. 

According to recent research, having low potassium levels in the first half of pregnancy was connected with a lower risk of developing gestational diabetes and severe hypertension in pregnant women. Pregnancy-induced mild Hypokalemia is extremely common and should not be taken too seriously. These side effects are normal throughout a healthy pregnancy, including low blood pressure, exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting.

Pregnancy is related to decreased gastrointestinal motility, meaning that pregnant women should only be given solid potassium supplements if required. All of your physicians should keep a careful eye on your potassium levels in the blood. – The development of a fetus is not expected to be harmed by potassium supplementation that does not result in hyperkalemia.

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